Ancient Mysteries
“Ancient Mysteries” is a TV series created by FilmRoos that aired on A&E from January 7, 1994, to May 3, 1998, with reruns continuing until 2000. The show was also re-aired on The Biography Channel throughout the 2000s. Focusing on historical enigmas, the series is predominantly hosted by Leonard Nimoy, reminiscent of the late-1970s show “In Search Of…”. As of June 2013, select episodes were accessible for streaming on Netflix.
Views: 21
Genre: Documentary, Mystery
Studio: FilmRoos Productions, Greystone Communications
Awards: 1 nomination
TV Status: Ended
45minRelease: 1994
IMDb: 7.7
TMDb: 7.8
Country: United States of America
Networks: A&E
Starring: Leonard Nimoy