All of Us Are Dead
“All of Us Are Dead,” directed by Chun Sung-il, is a gripping South Korean horror series that unfolds in a high school where a zombie virus outbreak traps students, forcing them to fight for survival. As chaos ensues, the students must rely on their wits and each other to navigate the terrifying ordeal and find a way to escape.
Views: 144
Genre: Action & Adventure, Drama, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Director: Chun Sung-il, JQ Lee, Kim Nam-soo, Kim Nam-su
Studio: Film Monster, Kim Jong-hak Production, SLL
Creators: J.Q. Lee, Kim Nam-Soo, Seong-il Cheon
Starring: Cho Yi-hyun, Jeon Bae-soo, Kim Byung-chul, Lee Kyoo-hyung, Lee You-mi, Lomon, Park Ji-hu, Yoo In-soo, Yoon Chan-young