Alaska: The Last Frontier
The series focuses on the Kilcher family and their community near Homer, Alaska. The family’s story began with Yule Kilcher, who moved from Europe during World War II, and is now continued by his sons, Otto and Atz Kilcher, the latter being the father of singer Jewel. The Kilchers have resided on their property for four generations. The show also highlights the neighboring homesteaders who engage with the Kilcher family.
Views: 31
Genre: Reality
Studio: Discovery Studios
Awards: Nominated for 3 Primetime Emmys, 3 nominations total
TV Status: Returning Series
43minRelease: 2011
IMDb: 7.6
TMDb: 7.2
Country: United States of America
Networks: Discovery
Starring: Atz Kilcher, Atz Lee Kilcher, Charlotte Kilcher, Otto Kilcher