Ace of Diamond
Eijun Sawamura, a talented pitcher, enrolls in a prestigious school where he teams up with the exceptional catcher, Kazuya Miyuki. Alongside their teammates, they are dedicated to reaching the legendary Koushien championships in Japan, driven by their relentless effort and resolve.
Views: 25
Genre: Animation
Studio: Madhouse, Production I.G
Creators: Kenji Konuta, Mitsuyuki Masuhara, Morio Asaka, Terajima Yuuji
TV Status: Returning Series
24minRelease: 2013
IMDb: 8.1
TMDb: 7.9
FilmAffinity: 7.6
Country: Japan
Networks: TV TokyoAT-X
Starring: Ayumu Murase, Daiki Yamashita, Natsuki Hanae, Nobunaga Shimazaki, Ryota Osaka, Shintaro Asanuma, Shunsuke Takeuchi, Takahiro Sakurai, Tasuku Hatanaka, Yuma Uchida