Aaron Stone
Aaron Stone is a live-action adventure series, shot with a single camera, and created by Bruce Kalish. It premiered with the launch of Disney XD on February 13, 2009, marking the network’s first original series. The storyline follows a teenager, Charlie Landers, who is chosen to become the real-world version of his famous video game avatar, Aaron Stone, from the fictional game Hero Rising. The series features actors David Lambert, Tania Gunadi, and J. P. Manoux. Unlike typical Disney live-action shows, Aaron Stone presents a darker narrative with a more intricate plot.
The first season was produced from June 2 to December 19, 2008, and aired on Disney XD from February 13 to November 27, 2009. On May 5, 2009, Disney announced the renewal of the show for a second season. Kelly Blatz later confirmed on Twitter that filming for the second season started on June 22, 2009.
During a live Ustream chat on November 11, 2009, featuring J. P. Manoux, Tania Gunadi, and Bruce Kalish, it was revealed that Aaron Stone would not continue beyond its second season. Disney XD decided to focus more on live-action programming with a comedic angle. This announcement came before the first season had finished airing in the U.S. The second season comprised 14 episodes, debuting on February 24, 2010, with the final 8 episodes airing from June 16 to July 30, 2010. By 2012, Disney XD had stopped broadcasting reruns of Aaron Stone in the United States.
Views: 29
Genre: Action & Adventure, Comedy, Family
Studio: Shaftesbury Films, Three Hearts Productions
Creators: Bruce Kalish
TV Status: Ended
22minRelease: 2009
IMDb: 6.6
TMDb: 7.3
FilmAffinity: 3.6
Country: Canada, United States of America
Networks: Disney XD
Starring: Anthony J. Mifsud, Daniel DeSanto, David Lambert, J.P. Manoux, Jacob Kraemer, Kelly Blatz, Rob Ramsay, Shauna Macdonald, Tania Gunadi