A League of Their Own
“A League of Their Own” is a comedic panel game show that premiered on Sky1 on March 11, 2010. The show is hosted by James Corden, known for his role in “Gavin and Stacey.” The team captains are Andrew Flintoff and Jamie Redknapp, with John Bishop and Georgie Thompson serving as regular panelists for the first four seasons, accompanied by two guest stars each week. Starting from the fifth season, Jack Whitehall became a regular panelist on the show.
Views: 25
Genre: Comedy
Director: Paul Brassey
Studio: CPL Productions
Awards: Won 2 BAFTA 2 wins & 3 nominations total
TV Status: Returning Series
44minRelease: 2010
IMDb: 7.7
TMDb: 6.9
Country: United Kingdom
Networks: Sky Max, Sky OneSky Max
Starring: Jamie Redknapp, Jill Scott, Micah Richards, Mo Gilligan, Romesh Ranganathan