“1899” is a mystery thriller that follows a group of European migrants traveling from London to New York on a steamship, who encounter a nightmarish riddle when they discover another migrant ship adrift on the open sea. As they delve deeper into the ship’s secrets, their journey takes unexpected and mind-bending turns, challenging their perceptions of reality.
Views: 131
Director: Baran bo Odar, Jantje Friese
Studio: Dark Ways
Creators: Baran bo Odar, Jantje Friese
Awards: 1 win & 5 nominations
Starring: Andreas Pietschmann, Aneurin Barnard, Clara Rosager, Emily Beecham, Isabella Wei, Lucas Lynggaard Tønnesen, Maciej Musiał, Miguel Bernardeau, Rosalie Craig, Yann Gael