Separation City
“Separation City,” directed by Paul Middleditch, is a dramedy that explores the complexities of modern relationships and the challenges of maintaining passion and connection in marriage. Set in Wellington, New Zealand, the film follows the intertwined lives of two couples as they navigate infidelity, desire, and the quest for personal fulfillment amidst the backdrop of their unraveling relationships.
Views: 60
Director: Paul Middleditch
Actors: Alan Lovell, Danielle Cormack, Grant Roa, Jodie Rimmer, Joel Edgerton, Les Hill, Michelle Langstone, Rhona Mitra, Stephanie Paul, Thomas Kretschmann
Country: New Zealand
Company: Eltham Strathmore Pictures, K5 Film, New Holland Pictures
Awards: 1 win & 5 nominations
Budget: $5,950,000
Worldwide Gross: $427,108