Selfie from Hell
“Selfie from Hell,” directed by Erdal Ceylan, follows the story of a vlogger named Julia who visits her cousin Hannah in the U.S. and falls mysteriously ill after taking a selfie. As Hannah investigates the unsettling events surrounding Julia’s condition, she uncovers a terrifying connection between the selfies and a sinister force lurking in the shadows.
Views: 39
Director: Erdal Ceylan
Actors: Alyson Walker, Ian Butcher, Matthew Graham, Meelah Adams, Tony Giroux
Company: IndustryWorks Studios, Southpaw Productions
Worldwide Gross: $136,452
1h 13minRelease: 2018
Release Date: 2018-01-25
IMDb: 2.9
TMDB: 3.7
Rotten Tomatoes: 26%
FilmAffinity: 2.7