Self Discovery for Social Survival
“Self Discovery for Social Survival” is a unique surf and music film created through the collaboration of Mexican Summer, a record label from Brooklyn, and Pilgrim Surf + Supply, a surf and outdoor brand based in New York. The film is shot across three distinct locations—Mexico, the Maldives, and Iceland—each presented as a separate vignette. It features musicians such as Allah Las, Connan Mockasin, Andrew Van Wyngarden from MGMT, and Peaking Lights, who join forces with professional surfers. Together, they embark on an exploration that intertwines music with the rhythm of the waves, the natural surroundings, and the local cultures. The film is beautifully narrated by the legendary avant-garde filmmaker Jonas Mekas.
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Genre: Documentary, Music
Director: Chris Gentile
Actors: Jonas Mekas, Stephanie Gilmore
Country: United States of America
Company: Andres Santo Domingo, Chase Coleman, John Khoury
Budget: $300,000