Second Origin
In “Second Origin,” directed by Carles Porta, the story unfolds in a post-apocalyptic world where a young woman named Alba and a boy named Dídac are among the few survivors of a cataclysmic event. Together, they navigate the challenges of rebuilding civilization and preserving human knowledge while confronting the mysteries of their new reality.
Views: 26
Genre: Adventure, Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction
Director: Carles Porta, Sergi Lara
Actors: Andrés Batista, Ibrahim Mané, Rachel Hurd-Wood, Sergi López
Country: Spain, United Kingdom
Company: Antàrtida Produccions, Audiovisual Aval SGR, Avalis de Catalunya SGR
Budget: 6,000,000
Worldwide Gross: $363,922