Scream Girls
Legend has it that a girl named Hikiko Mori was mercilessly tormented by her peers, leading to her untimely accidental demise. Her spirit, fueled by a deep-seated resentment towards bullies, now lingers in her old school, gradually amassing power to seek revenge on the living. A terrified group of schoolgirls decides to delve deeper into these tales, and what they uncover convinces them that they must put an end to Hikiko-san’s haunting before it’s too late.
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Director: Hisaaki Nagaoka
Actors: Chiharu, Erika, Keiko Shirasu, Kyoko Kawai, Maisakura Kawanishi, Seiko Iwaido, Setsuko Sanada, Shion Fujiwara, Takeshi Mikami
Country: Japan