Scarecrow’s Revenge
In this horror movie from 2019, directed by Louisa Warren, a group of friends unwittingly awakens a malevolent scarecrow, which then seeks revenge on them. The film explores themes of vengeance and supernatural terror, creating a tense and unsettling atmosphere that keeps the audience in suspense. Featuring performances by Kate Lister and Louisa Warren, the movie combines thrilling suspense with haunting imagery. It is available to watch for free on Soap2day for those who are interested.
Views: 37
Genre: Horror
Director: Louisa Warren
Actors: Adam Sugawara, Albert Clogston, Carey Thring, Kate Milner Evans, Kelly Juvilee, Louisa Warren, Mike Kelson, Peter Cosgrove, Richard D. Myers, Rita Siddiqui, Sarah T. Cohen, Shaila Alvarez
Country: United Kingdom
Company: ChampDog Films