Inspired by Rudyard Kipling’s tale, ‘The Strange Ride of Morrowbie Jukes,’ the film “Scape” is set in the early 19th century along the Oregon Trail. Morrowbie’s caravan is ambushed by Native Americans, leading to his separation from his wife. As he traverses the vast wilderness in search of her, he stumbles upon an isolated settlement in the woods, inhabited by the mentally ill. Once inside, escape is impossible, as a mysterious and intimidating army soldier vigilantly guards the border between the colony and the outside world. With his wife’s fate uncertain, Morrowbie faces the daunting challenge of breaking free.
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Genre: Action, Adventure, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Taegen Carter
Actors: Ben Furmaniak, Bree Condon, Jonathan Kowalsky, Ludwig Manukian
Country: United States of America
Company: Mythmaker Entertainment
Budget: $50,000