In “Savyasachi,” directed by Chandoo Mondeti, the story follows Vikram, a man with a unique condition called vanishing twin syndrome, which gives him an uncontrollable left hand with a mind of its own. As he navigates the challenges posed by his condition, Vikram becomes embroiled in a dangerous conflict with a vengeful adversary, leading to a thrilling confrontation.
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Director: Chandoo Mondeti
Actors: Bhumika Chawla, Chelsea Lee Wheatley, Dishita Sehgal, Naga Chaitanya Akkineni, Nidhhi Agerwal, R. Madhavan, Rao Ramesh, Shakalaka Shankar, Thagubothu Ramesh, Vennela Kishore
Country: India
Company: Mythri Movie Makers
Awards: 4 nominations
Worldwide Gross: $3,225,899