Saving God
Former convict Armstrong Cane, portrayed by Ving Rhames, comes back to his hometown as a transformed individual, aiming to lead his late father’s church and its community. However, the area is plagued by drugs and gang activity. Many residents are moving to more affluent places or being swayed by a charismatic preacher, played by Ricardo Chivara. Despite facing intimidation from a menacing gang leader, depicted by Dean McDermott, Armstrong remains steadfast in his mission.
Views: 59
Director: Duane Crichton
Actors: Dean McDermott, Dwain Murphy, Egidio Tari, Genelle Williams, K. C. Collins, Kate Todd, Phillip Jarrett, Ricardo Chavira, Richard Leacock, Ving Rhames
Country: Canada
Company: Clear Entertainment, Cloud Ten Pictures
Awards: 1 win & 1 nomination