Saturday the 14th
“Saturday the 14th,” directed by Howard R. Cohen, is a horror-comedy that follows a family who inherits a cursed house filled with monsters and supernatural occurrences. As they navigate the bizarre happenings, they must contend with a mysterious book that unleashes chaos, leading to a series of humorous and spooky events.
Views: 38
Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, Horror
Director: Howard R. Cohen
Actors: Carole Androsky, Jeffrey Tambor, Kari Michaelsen, Kevin Brando, Paula Prentiss, Richard Benjamin, Roberta Collins, Rosemary DeCamp, Severn Darden, Sr., Stacy Keach
Country: United States of America
Company: New World Pictures
Awards: 4 nominations
1h 15minRelease: 1981
Release Date: 1981-10-30
IMDb: 4.6
TMDB: 4.9
Rotten Tomatoes: 10%
Metacritic: 13
FilmAffinity: 3.1