In “Saphirblau,” directed by Felix Fuchssteiner, the story continues to follow Gwendolyn Shepherd, a time-traveling teenager who grapples with the complexities of her newfound abilities and the mysterious secrets of her family’s past. As she navigates through different eras, Gwendolyn must also confront her feelings for her enigmatic companion, Gideon, while uncovering the truth behind a dangerous conspiracy.
Views: 82
Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Romance
Director: Felix Fuchssteiner, Katharina Schöde, Lev L. Spiro
Actors: Florian Bartholomäi, Jannis Niewöhner, Josefine Preuss, Katharina Thalbach, Kostja Ullmann, Laura Berlin, Maria Ehrich, Peter Simonischek, Rolf Kanies, Rufus Beck
Country: Germany
Company: ARRI Film & TV Services, Lieblingsfilm, mem-film
Awards: 2 wins
Worldwide Gross: $5,188,128