Sêrâ-fuku mokushiroku
In a peaceful small town, Japanese schoolgirl Sakura (Higarino) finds her life upended when the local men begin brutally attacking the women. With only her kyudo bow for defense and an English textbook for solace, Sakura navigates a chaotic, apocalyptic landscape. The trauma of witnessing the violent deaths of her loved ones pushes her toward insanity, leading her to escape into a vivid dreamworld. There, she encounters Billy (Mackenzie), a character from her English book, who aids her in surviving the onslaught of murderous zombies and a more dangerous adversary, Aoi (Tsujimoto). As she races to find the real-world Billy, Sakura seeks answers to the pressing questions: What is causing this chaos, and who or what is responsible?
Views: 63
Director: John Cairns
Actors: Asami Mizukawa, Mai Tsujimoto, Max Mackenzie, Rino Higa
Country: Japan
Company: Lantis