Rising Phoenix
“Rising Phoenix,” directed by Ian Bonhôte, is a powerful documentary that explores the history and impact of the Paralympic Games, highlighting the stories of elite athletes who have overcome significant challenges to compete at the highest level. Through personal narratives and stunning visuals, the film celebrates the resilience and determination of these athletes, while examining the broader social and cultural significance of the Paralympic movement.
Views: 41
Genre: Documentary, Sport
Director: Ian Bonhôte, Peter Ettedgui
Actors: Andrew Parsons, Bebe Vio, Cui Zhe, Duke of Sussex, Ellie Cole, Eva Loeffler, Jean-Babtiste Alaize, Jonnie Peacock, Philippa Thomas, Prince Harry, Tatyana McFadden
Country: United Kingdom
Company: HTYT Films, Misfits Entertainment, Passion Pictures
Awards: 2 wins & 8 nominations
1h 45minRelease: 2020
Release Date: 2020-08-26
IMDb: 8.1
TMDB: 8.1
Rotten Tomatoes: 86%
Metacritic: 76
FilmAffinity: 7.7