Ride Scare
Tommy, a troubled and isolated individual, makes a living as a ride-share driver, navigating the city streets and transporting various passengers. However, unbeknownst to those who enter his vehicle, Tommy harbors a dark secret: he is a homicidal maniac. His fixation turns towards Jolene, an attractive office employee, whom he targets as his next prey. Jolene finds herself confined within an empty tech facility, where she must use all her wits and strength to escape and stay alive.
Views: 47
Director: Eduardo Castrillo
Actors: Alexander Hero, Franco Allen, Inez Banks, Jackie Dallas, Jacqui Cohen, Jonez Cain, JR, M. Shawn Cunningham, Matt Fuentes, Michael Placencia, Miguel A. Núñez, Miguel A. Núñez, Jr.
Country: United States of America
Company: Uncia Films