Revenge Of The Green Dragons
“Revenge of the Green Dragons,” directed by Andrew Loo, follows the tumultuous journey of two immigrant brothers who become entangled in the violent world of New York City’s Chinatown gang culture during the 1980s. As they rise through the ranks of the notorious Green Dragons gang, they face moral dilemmas and the harsh realities of loyalty, betrayal, and survival.
Views: 50
Director: Andrew Loo, Wai Keung Lau
Actors: Carl Li, Celia Au, Eugenia Yuan, Harry Shum Jr., Jin Au-Yeung, Justin Chon, Kevin Wu, Leonard Wu, Ray Liotta, Shuya Chang
Country: Hong Kong, United States of America
Company: IM Global, Initial A Entertainment, The 7th Floor
Budget: $5,000,000
Worldwide Gross: $107,412
1h 34minRelease: 2014
Release Date: 2014-10-31
IMDb: 5.3
TMDB: 5.3
Rotten Tomatoes: 15%
Metacritic: 36
FilmAffinity: 4.6