“Reincarnated,” directed by Andy Capper, is a documentary that follows the transformation of iconic rapper Snoop Dogg as he embarks on a spiritual journey to Jamaica, embracing the Rastafarian culture and adopting the new moniker Snoop Lion. The film captures his exploration of reggae music, personal growth, and the profound impact of his experiences on his life and career.
Views: 28
Genre: Documentary, Music
Director: Andy Capper
Actors: Angela Hunte, Ariel Rechtshaid, Bunny Wailer, Damian Marley, Daz Dillinger, Dr. Dre, Dre Skull, Jahdan Blakkamoore, Louis Farrakhan, Snoop Dogg
Country: United States of America
Company: Snoopadelic Films Inc., Vice Studios
Awards: 1 nomination
1h 36minRelease: 2012
Release Date: 2012-11-11
IMDb: 6.2
TMDB: 6.1
Rotten Tomatoes: 28%
Metacritic: 42
FilmAffinity: 5.9