“Redacted,” directed by Brian De Palma, is a provocative war drama that explores the Iraq War through the lens of various media formats, including video diaries and news footage. The film delves into the psychological impact of war on soldiers and the moral complexities they face, ultimately questioning the nature of truth and the role of media in shaping public perception.
Views: 32
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller, War
Director: Brian De Palma
Actors: Anas Wellman, Daniel Stewart Sherman, Dhiaa Khalil, Izzy Diaz, Kel O'Neill, Mike Figueroa, Patrick Carroll, Rob Devaney, Ty Jones, Yanal Kassay
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: HDNet Films, The Film Farm, Zaman Productions
Awards: 6 wins & 2 nominations
Budget: $5,000,000
Worldwide Gross: $784,604
1h 30minRelease: 2007
Release Date: 2007-11-16
IMDb: 6.1
TMDB: 6.0
Rotten Tomatoes: 44%
Metacritic: 52
FilmAffinity: 6.1