Red Dog
“Red Dog,” directed by Kriv Stenders, is a heartwarming tale set in the Australian outback, where a charismatic and adventurous dog unites a remote mining community through his wanderings and friendships. The film explores themes of loyalty, companionship, and the impact one animal can have on the lives of many.
Views: 53
Genre: Biography, Comedy, Drama, Family
Director: Kriv Stenders
Actors: Arthur Angel, John Batchelor, Josh Lucas, Keisha Castle-Hughes, Loene Carmen, Luke Ford, Noah Taylor, Paul Blackwell, Rachael Taylor, Rohan Nichol
Country: Australia, United States of America
Company: Endymion Films, Screen Australia, Woss Group Film Productions
Awards: 12 wins & 15 nominations
Budget: $8,500,000
Worldwide Gross: $21,185,724