Recep Ivedik
Recep İvedik, directed by Togan Gökbakar, follows the comedic misadventures of the titular character, a boorish yet well-meaning man, as he embarks on a journey to return a lost wallet to its owner. Along the way, Recep’s crude behavior and unique perspective on life lead to a series of humorous and chaotic situations.
Views: 30
Genre: Comedy
Director: Togan Gökbakar
Actors: Fatma Toptaş, Hakan Akın, Hakan Bilgin, İsmail Hakkı, İsmail Hakkı Ürün, Lemi Filozof, Şahan Gökbakar, Somer Karvan, Tuluğ Çizgen, Volkan Cal, Vural Buldu
Country: Turkey
Company: Aksoy Film, Özen Film
Awards: 1 nomination
Budget: $500,000
Worldwide Gross: $28,548,025