Ranbô to taiki
Director Tominaga Masanori, known for “Pandora’s Box,” adapts Motoya Yukiko’s quirky play “Ranbo to Taiki” into a film that intricately weaves themes of love, hatred, and voyeurism. The story follows Hidenori (played by Asano Tadanobu) and Nanase (played by Minami), who have shared a strained, non-romantic relationship for a decade. Their stagnant lives are disrupted when a married couple, Takao (Yamada Takayuki) and Azusa (Koike Eiko), move in next door. The situation takes a dramatic turn when Hidenori discovers Nanase’s affair with Takao, leading him to become fixated on spying on Nanase through a peephole and plotting his vengeful response.
Views: 36
Director: Masanori Tominaga
Actors: Eiko Koike, Minami, Tadanobu Asano, Takayuki Yamada
Country: Japan
Company: King Records, Media Factory, Showgate