Raising Buchanan
“Raising Buchanan” is a dark comedy that follows the story of a financially struggling woman who, in a desperate attempt to solve her money problems, steals the corpse of former U.S. President James Buchanan, hoping to ransom it for a hefty sum. As her plan unfolds, she encounters a series of unexpected challenges and quirky characters, leading to humorous and thought-provoking situations.
Views: 13
Genre: Comedy
Director: Bruce Dellis
Actors: Amanda Melby, Ben Garant, Cathy Shim, Jennifer Pfalzgraff, Lynnette 'L.A.' Brown, M. Emmet Walsh, Rene Auberjonois, Robert Ben Garant, Shannon Whirry, Steve Briscoe, Terence Bernie Hines
Country: United States of America
Company: Cheese Board Productions
Awards: 13 wins & 5 nominations