“Puhdistus” (also known as “Purge”) is a Finnish drama directed by Antti J. Jokinen, which intertwines the lives of two women from different generations against the backdrop of Estonia’s tumultuous history. As their stories unfold, themes of survival, betrayal, and redemption are explored, revealing the deep scars left by political oppression and personal trauma.
Views: 42
Director: Antti J. Jokinen
Actors: Amanda Pilke, Kaisa Kaljusaar, Krista Kosonen, Kristjan Sarv, Laura Birn, Laura Kiis, Liisi Tandefelt, Peter Franzén, Sonja Nüganen, Tommi Korpela
Company: Solar Films, Taska Film
Awards: 7 wins & 5 nominations
Budget: 2,400,000
Worldwide Gross: $2,451,380