Pudsey the Dog: The Movie
Pudsey the Dog: The Movie follows the adventures of a cheeky, stray dog named Pudsey who finds a new home with a family in the countryside. As Pudsey adjusts to his new life, he uncovers a plot by the local landlord that threatens the village, prompting him to take action to save his newfound family and community.
Views: 54
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Family
Director: Nick Moore
Actors: David Walliams, Izzy Meikle-Small, Jessica Hynes, John Sessions, Lorraine Kelly, Luke Neal, Luke Tittensor, Maggie Steed, Olivia Colman, Peter Serafinowicz, Pudsey
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Backwell Productions, Syco Entertainment, Vertigo Films
Worldwide Gross: $2,695,490