“Proof,” directed by Jocelyn Moorhouse, is a compelling drama that explores themes of trust and perception through the story of a blind photographer named Martin, who relies on his housekeeper Celia and a new friend, Andy, to describe his photographs. As relationships become entangled, the film delves into the complexities of truth and deception, challenging the characters’ understanding of reality and trust.
Views: 52
Director: Jocelyn Moorhouse
Actors: Belinda Davey, Daniel Pollock, Frank Gallacher, Frankie J. Holden, Geneviève Picot, Heather Mitchell, Hugo Weaving, Jeffrey Walker, Russell Crowe, Saskia Post
Country: Australia
Company: Film Victoria, House & Moorhouse Films, The Australian Film Commission
Awards: 12 wins & 4 nominations
Worldwide Gross: $524,895
1h 26minRelease: 1991
Release Date: 1991-08-15
IMDb: 7.2
TMDB: 6.6
Rotten Tomatoes: 94%
FilmAffinity: 6.3