Pretty Cheaters, Deadly Lies
In this 2019 thriller helmed by Leo Scherman, the storyline follows a group of high school students who become ensnared in a perilous and deceptive situation after an innocent prank goes disastrously wrong. Featuring Morgan Taylor Campbell and Sydney Meyer, the film showcases their compelling portrayals of characters grappling with issues of trust and treachery. Although it hasn’t won any significant accolades, the film’s gripping plot and surprising turns maintain a high level of suspense for the audience. For those curious, it is available to watch for free on Soap2day.
Views: 36
Genre: Thriller
Director: Leo Scherman
Actors: Aaron Ashmore, Alexander Eling, Cory Lee, Jessie Pham, Kara Alcorn, Kate Drummond, Keara Graves, Sebastien Roberts, Seth Mohan, Sydney Ozerov-Meyer
Country: Canada
Company: CME Autum Productions, MV Pictures