Poveri ma ricchi
“Poveri ma ricchi,” directed by Fausto Brizzi, is a comedy that follows the Tucci family, who live in a small town in Italy and suddenly become wealthy after winning the lottery. The film humorously explores the challenges and misunderstandings they face as they try to adapt to their new lifestyle while staying true to their roots.
Views: 45
Genre: Comedy
Director: Fausto Brizzi
Actors: Anna Mazzamauro, Christian De Sica, Enrico Brignano, Federica Lucaferri, Gianmarco Tognazzi, Giulio Bartolomei, Lodovica Comello, Lucia Ocone, Massimo Ferrero, Ubaldo Pantani
Country: Italy
Company: Warner Bros., Wildside
Worldwide Gross: $7,272,904