Poster Boys
“Poster Boys,” directed by Shreyas Talpade, is a comedy film that follows the chaotic journey of three ordinary men who find their lives turned upside down when their photos mistakenly appear on a vasectomy poster. As they grapple with the social stigma and personal turmoil that ensues, the trio embarks on a mission to clear their names and restore their reputations.
Views: 37
Genre: Comedy
Director: Shreyas Talpade
Actors: Bobby Deol, Randheer Rai, Samrat Raichand, Shreyas Talpade, Somesh Agarwal, Sonali Kulkarni, Sunny Deol, Tasha Bhambra, Tripti Dimri, Triptii Dimri
Country: India
Company: Affluence Movies, Prime Focus, Sony Pictures Networks
Worldwide Gross: $2,557,576