Police Beat
“Police Beat” is a unique crime drama that follows an African immigrant bicycle cop named Z, who patrols the streets of Seattle while grappling with his own personal heartache. As he encounters various incidents and crimes, the film delves into his introspective thoughts and emotional struggles, offering a contemplative look at the intersection of duty and personal turmoil.
Views: 18
Director: Robinson Devor
Actors: Pape Sidy Niang
Country: United States of America
Company: Modern Digital, Northwest Film Forum / WigglyWorld Studios, Police Beat LLC
Awards: 6 wins & 5 nominations
Budget: $500,000
1h 20minRelease: 2005
Release Date: 2005-06-09
IMDb: 6.8
TMDB: 5.3
Rotten Tomatoes: 73%
Metacritic: 58