Polar Express
“The Polar Express,” directed by Robert Zemeckis, is an enchanting animated film that follows a young boy on a magical train journey to the North Pole on Christmas Eve. As he embarks on this adventure, he discovers the wonders of friendship, bravery, and the spirit of Christmas.
Views: 252
Genre: Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Family, Fantasy
Director: Robert Zemeckis
Actors: Aaron Hendry, Aidan O'Shea, André Sogliuzzo, Andy Pellick, Ashly Holloway, Bee Jay Joyer, Bill Forchion, Brendan King, Chantel Valdivieso, Charles Fleischer, Chris Coppola, Connor Matheus, Dante Pastula, Daryl Sabara, Debbie Lee Carrington, Devin Henderson, Dylan Cash, Ed Gale, Eddie Deezen, Elisabeth P. Carpenter, Eric Newton, Evan Sabara, Gordon Hart, Gregory Gast, Hayden McFarland, Isabella Peregrina, Jena Carpenter, Jimmy 'Jax' Pinchak, Jimmy Bennett, Jon Scott, Josh Eli, Josh Hutcherson, Julene Renee, Karine Mauffrey, Kevin C. Carr, Leslie Zemeckis, Mark Goodman, Mark Mendonca, Mark Povinelli, Matthew Hall, Meagan Moore, Michael Jeter, Nona Gaye, Peter Scolari, Phil Fondacaro, Rolandas Hendricks, Sagiv Ben-Binyamin, Steven Tyler, Tinashe Kachingwe, Tom Hanks
Country: Australia, United States of America
Company: Bluebush Productions, Castle Rock Entertainment, Playtone, Shangri-La Entertainment
Awards: Nominated for 3 Oscars, 5 wins & 26 nominations total
Budget: $165,000,000
Worldwide Gross: $318,321,815
1h 40minRelease: 2004
Release Date: 2004-11-10
IMDb: 6.6
TMDB: 6.7
Rotten Tomatoes: 56%
Metacritic: 61
FilmAffinity: 5.8