“Pokkiri,” directed by Prabhu Deva, is an action-packed thriller that follows the story of a fearless and enigmatic young man named Thamizh, who works as a hitman for a powerful underworld don. As he navigates the dangerous world of crime, his true intentions and mysterious past gradually unfold, leading to unexpected twists and intense confrontations.
Views: 90
Genre: Action, Crime, Thriller
Director: Prabhu Deva
Actors: Asin Thottumkal, Brinda Parekh, Mukesh Tiwari, Napoleon, Nassar, Prakash Raj, Sriman, Subbaraju, Vadivelu, Vijay
Country: India
Company: Kanagarathna Movies
Awards: 3 wins & 8 nominations
Budget: 185,000,000