Peter Five Eight
In a quaint mountain town, Sam, who appears to be a sophisticated and successful real estate agent, is actually a disturbed alcoholic hiding a sinister secret. Her life begins to spiral out of control when Peter, a charming newcomer, arrives in the area. Meanwhile, Peter, under orders from his influential and mysterious employer, Mr. Lock, sets his sights on Brenda, an older colleague of Sam’s, to extract crucial information.
Views: 58
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Thriller
Director: Michael Zaiko Hall
Actors: Dale Dobson, Garrett Smith, Jake Weber, Jet Jandreau, John Otrin, Kelley Poling, Kevin Spacey, Michael Emery, Michele Farbman, Rebecca De Mornay
Country: United States of America
Company: Ascent Films, LTD Films, Mad Honey Productions
Worldwide Gross: $437,000