Personal Tailor
“Personal Tailor,” directed by Xiaogang Feng, is a Chinese comedy that follows a team of four individuals who run a unique business offering tailor-made experiences to fulfill their clients’ wildest dreams and fantasies. Through a series of humorous and thought-provoking scenarios, the film explores themes of aspiration, identity, and the pursuit of happiness.
Views: 52
Director: Xiaogang Feng
Actors: Bai Baihe, Cao Bingkun, Fan Wei, Ge You, Jackie Chan, Li Chengru, Li Xiaolu, Li Yong, Ryan Zheng Kai, Song Dandan, Wei Fan
Country: China
Company: Emperor Film Production, Huayi Brothers Media
Awards: 8 nominations
Worldwide Gross: $116,126,458
1h 58minRelease: 2013
Release Date: 2013-12-20
IMDb: 5.2
TMDB: 4.6
Rotten Tomatoes: 53%
Metacritic: 2.8