In a shadowy and intense film by Arius Blaze, Daemon (played by Jeffrey Arrington) is trapped in a state of limbo within a crumbling, old apartment building. His escape hinges on an obsession with writing and a mysterious muse named Teles (portrayed by Stephanie Leet). As Daemon delves deeper, he becomes ensnared in his own narrative—a maze of illusions and history that consumes a part of him. The written word seeps into his very being, leaving behind only a hollow version of himself with an incomplete story. Only Alexa (Alysse Fozmark) holds the key to the missing pieces of his work and can guide him to the final door he must open.
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Director: Arius Blaze
Actors: Alysse Fozmark, Jeffrey Arrington, Stephanie Leet
Country: United States of America
Company: Permeant Productions
Budget: $30,000