Paul A Quebec
“Paul à Québec,” directed by François Bouvier, is a heartfelt drama that follows the life of Paul, a cartoonist, as he navigates the complexities of family dynamics and the emotional challenges of dealing with a loved one’s terminal illness. Set against the backdrop of Quebec, the film beautifully captures the essence of love, loss, and the enduring bonds that hold families together.
Views: 65
Director: François Bouvier
Actors: Brigitte Lafleur, François Létourneau, Gilbert Sicotte, Julie Le Breton, Julien Poulin, Louise Portal, Mathieu Quesnel, Myriam LeBlanc, Patrice Robitaille, Shanti Corbeil-Gauvreau
Country: Canada
Company: Caramel Film, Caramel Films, Productrices Associées
Awards: 1 win
Worldwide Gross: $11,552