In the ruthless criminal underworld of Istanbul, where merciless families and fearless hitmen reign, Kadir Korkut, known as the “Demon,” stands as the most intimidating figure. His desire to leave this life behind for the love of a blind German pianist sets off a series of events that will turn the night into chaos. Betrayed by his boss and foster father, Kara Cemal, Kadir is forced into carrying out two last assassinations on the city’s two biggest rival families in exchange for an antidote to the poison he’s been given. Outnumbered and outgunned, he must join forces with Cem, a former undercover cop, to navigate a perilous night filled with vengeance and the hope of redemption.
Views: 30
Director: Alper Çağlar
Actors: Christina Gottschalk, Cüneyt Arkın, Duygu Çiftçioğlu, Edoardo Costa, Emin Boztepe, Emir Benderlioğlu, Florence Eugene, Hüseyin Özay, Levent Can, Tolga Akdoğan
Country: Turkey
Company: CaglarArts Entertainment, Insignia Productions
Budget: $500,000
Worldwide Gross: $446,619