Naho Takamiya, a high school sophomore, finds herself in a unique situation during the spring when she receives a letter from her future self, dated ten years ahead. The letter reveals her feelings for Kakeru Naruse, a new student who is burdened by the trauma of his mother’s suicide and tragically passes away a year later. Now 26, Naho frequently reflects on Kakeru. Armed with insights from her future self, the younger Naho is determined to alter the course of events and reshape her destiny.
Views: 47
Director: Kojiro Hashimoto
Actors: Dôri Sakurada, Erina Mano, Hirona Yamazaki, Kento Yamazaki, Kurumi Shimizu, Reiko Kusamura, Ryo Ryusei, Shingo Tsurumi, Tao Tsuchiya, Yôko Moriguchi
Country: Japan
Company: Futabasha, GyaO, Hakuhodo DY Media Partners
Awards: 2 wins
Worldwide Gross: $26,261,536