“Opstandelsen” transports the chaos of a zombie apocalypse into a sacred setting. During Simon’s funeral, his three siblings come together, only to witness chaos unfold as the dead emerge from their graves. This forces the siblings to retreat into the shadowy catacombs beneath the church. Trapped in a realm of death, they must confront the horde of zombies to survive and make it out of the holy sanctuary alive.
Views: 14
Director: Casper Haugegaard
Actors: Andreas Faaborg Nielsen, Asta Stidsen, Hans Maaløe, Ib Schoppe, Jonas Bjørn-Andersen, Mads Althoff, Marie Frohmé Vanglund, Peter Althof, Roxanne Tirkov, Solveig Hansen
Country: Denmark
Company: Jawbreaker Productions
Budget: 50,000