Onirica: Field of Dogs
“Onirica: Field of Dogs,” directed by Lech Majewski, is a visually poetic exploration of grief and redemption, intertwining the protagonist’s personal tragedy with the allegorical elements of Dante’s “Divine Comedy.” The film delves into the subconscious, blending reality and dreams as the main character navigates his inner turmoil and search for meaning amidst a world of chaos and beauty.
Views: 35
Director: Lech Majewski
Actors: Elżbieta Okupska, Jacenty Jędrusik, Jan Warta, Michal Tatarek, Szymon Budzyk
Country: Italy, Poland, Sweden
Company: 24Media, Angelus Silesius, Bokomotiv Freddy Olsson Filmproduktion
Awards: 3 nominations
1h 41minRelease: 2014
Release Date: 2014-04-20
IMDb: 5.6
TMDB: 5.2
Rotten Tomatoes: 70%
FilmAffinity: 6.0