Okay Madam
“Okay Madam” is a South Korean action-comedy film that follows the story of a married couple, Mi-young and Seok-hwan, who find themselves entangled in a hijacking incident during their first-ever international trip. As chaos unfolds on the plane, the couple must rely on their unexpected skills and teamwork to save the day and protect their family.
Views: 45
Director: Lee Cheol-ha
Actors: Bae Jung-nam, Choi Jin-ho, Jeong Su-bin, Kim Pub-lae, Lee Sang-yun, Lee Sun-Bin, Park Ji-il, Park Sung-woong, Uhm Jung-hwa, Yu Ha-jun
Country: South Korea
Company: Korea Investment Partners, OAL Media Contents Group, Sanai Pictures
Awards: 1 win
Worldwide Gross: $9,433,525