Nude Nuns with Big Guns
“Nude Nuns with Big Guns,” directed by Joseph Guzman, follows the story of Sister Sarah, a nun who embarks on a violent quest for vengeance against a corrupt clergy and a dangerous biker gang after being betrayed and left for dead. Armed with faith and firepower, she seeks justice in a gritty, action-packed tale of retribution.
Views: 54
Genre: Action, Comedy, Thriller
Director: Joseph Guzman
Actors: Asun Ortega, Bill Oberst Jr., Devanny Pinn, Ivet Corvea, Jessica Elder, Kimberly Ables Jindra, Maxie J. Santillan Jr., Monica Ramon, Tawny Amber Young, Tomas Boykin
Country: United States of America
Company: Bluebush Productions, Freak Show Entertainment, Scotty Gelt Productions
Budget: $85,000
1h 31minRelease: 2010
Release Date: 2010-09-24
IMDb: 3.9
TMDB: 4.4
Rotten Tomatoes: 28%
FilmAffinity: 3.9