Not My Day
“Not My Day,” directed by Peter Thorwarth, is a German action-comedy film that follows the life of a disenchanted bank employee who gets taken hostage by a bank robber, leading to an unexpected and thrilling adventure. As the unlikely duo embarks on a wild journey, they both discover new perspectives on life and friendship.
Views: 47
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy
Director: Peter Thorwarth
Actors: Anna Maria Mühe, Axel Stein, Bekim Guri, Ben Ruedinger, Emilian Markgraf, Jasmin Gerat, Kasem Hoxha, Moritz Bleibtreu, Nele Kiper, Tobias Nied
Country: Germany
Company: Deutsche Columbia Pictures Film Produktion, Donar Film, Westside Filmproduktion
Awards: 2 nominations
Worldwide Gross: $7,186,834