“Nordvest” is a crime drama set in the outskirts of Copenhagen. The story follows 18-year-old Casper, the eldest of three siblings, who navigates street life by carrying out burglaries for the local crime leader, Jamal. When Casper receives an opportunity to work for Jamal’s competitor, Björn, he eagerly accepts, hoping for an improved life, and becomes entangled in a world of narcotics and sex work. As tensions rise between Björn and Jamal, Casper and his family become deeply embroiled in a dangerous conflict that could lead to their ruin.
Views: 39
Director: Michael Noer
Actors: Dulfi Al-Jabouri, Gustav Dyekjær Giese, Irina Babenko, Jelena Bundalovic, Kevin Andersen, Lene Maria Christensen, Nicholas Westwood Kidd, Oscar Dyekjær Giese, Roland Møller, Sandra El-Hussein
Country: Denmark
Company: Danmarks Radio (DR), Det Danske Filminstitut, Nordisk Film Production
Awards: 4 wins & 25 nominations
Budget: 12,600,000
Worldwide Gross: $1,438,385