Nightmare Man
“Nightmare Man,” directed by Rolfe Kanefsky, follows the story of a woman named Ellen who becomes increasingly convinced that a demonic entity is stalking her after receiving a mysterious mask. As her paranoia escalates, she and her husband seek refuge in a remote cabin, only to find themselves entangled in a terrifying battle between reality and nightmare.
Views: 35
Genre: Comedy, Horror, Thriller
Director: Rolfe Kanefsky
Actors: Aaron Sherry, Blythe Metz, Jack Sway, James Ferris, Johanna Putnam, Luciano Szafir, Richard Moll, Robert Donavan, Tiffany Shepis, Victor Kanefsky
Country: United States of America
Company: Delusional Films, Paradign Pictures
Awards: 5 wins
Budget: $250,000
Worldwide Gross: $97,182
1h 29minRelease: 2006
Release Date: 2006-06-13
IMDb: 4
TMDB: 4.4
Rotten Tomatoes: 56%
Metacritic: 46
FilmAffinity: 2.4